The Gang of Six on Fiverr

The Gang of Six on Fiverr : Impact for Practitioners and Future Research . Fiverr serving more than 195 countries have its presence is the source of earning for many freelancers among . Which many are Pakistan freelancers. However, a recent issue has shaken the community: As for now ,There several Pakistani freelancers . Who have declared ‘unavailable’ on Fiverr. This has raised a lot of concern among the freelancer . As well as the client at large as has depicted below. Now it is our turn to discuss potential causes of this problem . The outcomes of its presence and solving this problem.

 What Happened?

 Fiverr claims to be a consumer to producer platform . Where freelancers offer services in ranging from graphic designing writing and any service that would amount to content creation. In the last couple of months several freelancers based in Pakistan . Suddenly one day realised that their label profile nowhere to seen. This has impacted on their activities since they cannot take new orders or communicate with the existing ones.

 Behind such a status it is possible to indicate several important preconditions . That would define the occurrence of such a status Behind such a status . It is possible to indicate several important preconditions that would define the occurrence of such a status:

 There are several speculated reasons why this may be happening . In another study Suresh & Sunitha (2007) observe that mass communication momentarily opens a door to knowledge . When teachers and parents close the windows of learning to children. The following is a list of some of the expected causes as to why this might be the case .

Below are some of the possible explanations why this might be so;

 •            Geopolitical Issues:

 It can be due to the political crisis prevailing in Pakistan from years with no sign of improvement. This action might have adopted by Fiverr due to instability of the political environment such regions.

 •            Payment Issues:

  There could be payment issue; there could be problem within the payment gateway in Pakistan . Which will necessitate the non transactions hence Fiverr deactivates the given accounts.

 •            Account Violations:

 At times this may be due to a violation of the set standard of Fiverr . Whereby freelancers’ accounts will limited as a penalty.

 •            Technical Glitches:

 Sometimes at random moments, there could be technical issues on the side of Fiverr which make freelancers appear ‘Unavailable’.

The Gang of Six on Fiverr

 Immediate Consequences for Freelancers

 The ‘unavailable’ status has had an immediate impact on freelancers .The ‘unavailable’ status has a cause of shifts at the freelancers’ level in the immediate effect.

 • Loss of Income:

 A vast majority of those in the freelance sector obtain the bulk of their income from Fiverr. When such workshops marked as ‘unavailable’ . They are unable to accept new orders and therefore lose business from the word go.

 •            Client Relationships:

 Failing to be able to be in touch with the clients may cost them . Their reputation as well as also diluting the bond they have had with their loyal customers.

 •            Stress and Anxiety:

 Freelancers with such accounts are at the moment looking forward to the future they have with the firm’s platform. This has placed even more pressure and stress to their lives.

 What Can Freelancers Do?

 While this situation is worrying, there are steps that affected freelancers can take . Well, that notwithstanding, it is rather worrisome though an affected freelancer can consider the following steps to make:

  1. Contact Fiverr Support:

 The first thing is to contact Fiverr support service with intention of knowing . The reason as to why the plan goes ‘unavailable’ and how to fix this.

  • Check for Violations:

 Every freelancer should log in to their accounts in order not to regret . Not observing one or the other rules of Fiverr. If this was the case the solving of the violation might one day lead to the freeing of the restriction.

  • Explore Other Platforms:

 Waiting for the reply from the people available in Fiverr freelancers should check . With other platforms like Upwork or Freelancer. com to continue performing activities especially to earn a living.

  • Communicate with Clients:

 Members working for themselves should refrain from directly contacting such former customers . And will have to employ other methods such as emails to attend to their business . Needs most of which entail the provision of further services to the former clients.

 Table: Influence of the ‘unavailable’ status on the Pakistan Freelancers

 Table: Effect of ‘unavailability’ on freelancers of Pakistan

Income LossFreelancers can’t receive new orders, leading to lost income.
Client CommunicationRestricted communication harms client relationships.
ReputationBeing marked as ‘unavailable’ can damage their professional reputation.
Mental HealthIncreased stress and anxiety due to uncertainty and loss of income.

 Potential Long-Term Effects

 If the ‘unavailable’ status continues, it could lead to . In case of sustainment of the ‘unavailable’ status the following consequences might occur:

 •            Migration to Other Platforms:

 Some freelancers might have some level of insecurity in the Fiverr . Platforms and for this reason may try to sign up in other freelancing platforms.

 •            Decline in Pakistan’s Freelance Economy:

 Over the last few years freelancing has became one of the major source of income . Among Pakistan workers especially among Fiverr workers. They noted that if prolonged the problem could harm the freelance economy of the country.

 •            Reputational Damage for Fiverr:

 If the said problem not to solved it may pose problem . To how Fiverr runs in Pakistan where there lots of freelancers.

The Gang of Six on Fiverr


 The fact that Pakistani freelancers predominantly placed under the Fiverr ‘unavailability’ status is rather worrisome . But it is a not an unconquerable issue. As of now, freelancers should not spend much time in contacting Fiverr support . Make sure that they have violated some TOS and seek for other opportunities . While waiting for the said matter to addressed. It is also quite an important story that reminds one how unpredictable freelancing . Could be and how one must have other streams of income.

 Pakistani freelancers advised to overcome them if . They to proceed to capture the advantage that comes with freelancing on the global stage. It is equally important for Fiverr to notify those who faced this issue to look for the solution . And for the public to believe in the site again.

 Related Questions

 There are certain indications that Fiverr flagged Pakistani freelancers as ‘unavailable’ let me explain the possible reasons.

 That may be due to some political or some other geographical issues payments issues account issues . Or violations or technical problems. For clarification of this one should address the support service of Fiverr with the respective demand.

 Here, I address the question of what a freelancer should do when they considered ‘unavailable’ on Fiverr.

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